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The College is Seeking RDHs for Contractor and Committee Positions

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Alberta College of Dental Hygienists

The College is currently recruiting for committee member positions and contract Inspector positions. Please read the full position descriptions and application requirements for each position below before applying. Applications must be sent by end of day on Sunday, February 2, 2025.

The College encourages registrants to apply via email to any of the below positions that are of interest. State the position title you are applying for clearly in the subject line of your e-mail. Please send separate emails if you are applying for both the Inspector role and a committee position.

Note: It is a conflict of interest for registrants to hold a position on an ACDH committee while retaining employment with the ACDH. While we encourage interested registrants to apply for any of the below opportunities, the ACDH cannot extend an offer for a committee position and an employment opportunity to the same individual. Registrants who currently hold a position on Council or a committee are welcome to apply for employment opportunities with the ACDH with the understanding that they must resign their seat should they accept an offer of employment.

The College invites registrants in good standing who are knowledgeable in Standards of Practice and the Code of Ethics to apply to serve on the Hearing Tribunal or Complaint Review Committee. Applicants must exhibit the following qualities:

  • minimum of 5 years’ experience as a practicing dental hygienist
  • can consider evidence in a fair and non-biased way
  • attentive listener
  • understands and respects confidentiality
  • confident and mature with sound judgment

Hearing Tribunals

Pursuant to the Health Professions Act (HPA), a Hearing Tribunal is responsible for conducting full and fair hearings regarding allegations of unprofessional conduct or misconduct of a registrant. The role of a Hearing Tribunal is to determine, based on the evidence introduced, whether or not the conduct of the dental hygienist constitutes unprofessional conduct or misconduct.

Complaint Review Committees (CRC)

Pursuant to the HPA, a Complaint Review Committee is responsible for:

  • reviewing and ratifying alternative complaint resolution settlements; and
  • conducting reviews should a dismissed complaint be appealed.

Both a Hearing Tribunal and a CRC are established by the Hearings Director from a roster of registrants in good standing, as approved by Council. The committees consist of 50% registrants and 50% public members. The Hearings Director selects public members from a list of individuals appointed by the government.

Each Hearing Tribunal and CRC is established on an “as needed” basis. The frequency and volume of hearings or reviews are not possible to predict. However, the College sees a very small percentage of complaints referred to hearing or dismissed complaints appealed by the complainant.  

The possibility exists that multiple files are referred each year and hearings are often scheduled over multiple, consecutive full days. Hearing dates are confirmed approximately 60 days in advance and flexibility in scheduling is essential for appointment to the Hearing Tribunal and CRC roster.

Registrants are paid $50/hr for their participation on either committee.

For more information, please see the Complaint Review Committee Terms of Reference and the Hearing Tribunal Terms of Reference.

How To Apply

Interested registrants are invited to submit their resume and a brief letter describing why such a committee appointment appeals to them, as well as their availability to attend hearings scheduled over multiple, consecutive full days.

Submissions should be directed via email to the ACDH Hearings Director, Holly Durdle, at hearingsdirector@acdh.ca by end of day on February 2, 2025.

Inspector Role Overview

As a Council-appointed Inspector, reporting to the Continuing Competence Manager, you will be contracted by the College to perform inspections according to Part 3.1 of the HPA. Inspections determine whether dental hygienists are complying with the HPA and with the ACDH’s Bylaws, Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics. The role requires on-site and virtual inspection of dental hygienists, including questioning relevant persons and/or examining documents, items, equipment, and places where dental hygienists practice. A solid understanding of professional standards of practice, legislation, and regulations is an asset. You will be required to prepare and submit comprehensive, objective, and accurate written reports of inspection findings.


Remote, with travel required. Candidates must live in Alberta. Residing in the Edmonton area is not a requirement for this role.

The Ideal Candidate

As the ideal candidate, you will be a Registered Dental Hygienist with comprehensive clinical knowledge and experience in various practice settings, including expertise in infection prevention and control practices. You demonstrate strong verbal and written communication skills and the ability to work independently. A degree in dental hygiene, education, or another related field would be considered a strong asset. Experience in assessment, interviewing, or report writing are also considered assets. This role will require proficient use of relevant technologies, including virtual communication tools, Microsoft Office Suite (e.g., Word, Excel, Outlook, Teams), and cloud-based document management (i.e., SharePoint).

How to Apply

Read the complete job posting before applying. Apply for this opportunity by emailing your resume and cover letter to the Continuing Competence Manager, Nicole Hannigan, at nicole.hannigan@acdh.ca by end of day on February 2, 2025.

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