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Complaint Decisions

A summary of discipline decisions by the Complaints Director or Hearing Tribunal.

Complaint Decisions

ACDH Bylaws state: "The Registrar shall publish and distribute, in any manner that the Registrar determines is appropriate, summaries of complaints made pursuant to Part 4 of the Act that were not referred to hearing but were resolved informally by use of a complaint resolution agreement or similar document. Such publication and distribution shall, at the discretion of the Registrar, be with or without the name of the regulated member."

Registrant Link to Summary Date
  *None to report  

ACDH Bylaws state:

"Subject to the requirements of the Act, where a regulated member is found to have committed unprofessional conduct, the Registrar shall publish and distribute, in any manner that the Registrar determines is appropriate, Hearing Tribunal decisions, Council appeal decisions and Court of Appeal decisions arising pursuant to Part 4 of the Act. Such publication and distribution shall be with the name of the regulated member unless otherwise required by the Act or otherwise directed by a Hearing Tribunal, the Registrar, a Council or the Court of Appeal.

Where a regulated member is found to have committed no unprofessional conduct whatsoever, the Registrar shall publish and distribute, in any manner that the Registrar determines is appropriate, Hearing Tribunal decisions, Council appeal decisions and Court of Appeal decisions arising pursuant to Part 4 of the Act. Such publication and distribution shall be without the name of the regulated member."

Registrant Link to Decision Date
CM Decision January 22, 2021

Discipline decisions made by a Hearing Tribunal, Council, or court, for unprofessional conduct related to sexual abuse or sexual misconduct - including any orders made - are permanently published below, categorized by the name and practice permit number of the offending registrant.

Registrant Link to Decision Date
  *None to report