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Town Hall Video Now Available

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Alberta College of Dental Hygienists

The ACDH Town Hall video recorded on May 24, 2023 is now available on the ACDH You Tube Channel.

To access the Video click the link below.

ACDH Town Hall Video

We are aware that the Town Hall link that was sent out did not work for everyone. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and will do our best to ensure this is not an issue for future sessions.

Claiming CE Credit for the Town Hall

Registrants who attended the Town Hall or watch the video on You Tube can submit the event for 1 CE credit per one hour. You must complete the prompted self-reflection questions in the Registrant Portal. For more information about claiming continuing competence program credits, please refer to the ACDH Continuing Competence Program Manual.

  • After logging into the Registrant Portal, go to the Continuing Competence section
  • Record a new continuing competence activity (this opens a form)
  • Enter information into the continuing competence record
  • Start Date: May 24, 2023 (or the date you watched the recording)
  • Complete Date: May 24, 2023 (or the date you watched the recording)
  • Select 3.7.5 Other activities approved by Council, Registrar & Competence Committee
  • Title: ACDH Town Hall
  • Activity Sponsor/Provider: Alberta College of Dental Hygienists
  • Maximum number of credits: 2.0 (enter actual time spent)
  • I will be uploading supporting documents: Select "No," which will direct you to the Reflection Questions, which is required in order to claim program credit for this activity


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