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Alberta Health Services recently updated COVID-19 FAQs

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Alberta College of Dental Hygienists

Alberta Health Services (AHS) recently updated their online COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) document. While specifically written for AHS staff, it includes information which may be of interest to Alberta Dental Hygienists, as well as the public, including information on the vaccine roll-out.


At this time, the College does not have information for its registrants, like many other at-risk healthcare professionals such as dentists, dental assistants, physiotherapists, chiropractors, etc., about where they sit within the vaccine roll-out plans.

Please rest assured that the CRDHA, along with the other healthcare regulatory colleges, have been diligently communicating with Alberta Health to seek answers to this question. We are committed to informing all of our registrants regarding vaccine roll-out plans once we receive further information from Alberta Health (government).

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Alberta College of Dental Hygienists